Prof. Dr. Christian Stöcker is a Psychologist, a Professor and Course Director for Digital Communication at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and a science writer. He also writes a weekly column for DER SPIEGEL (one of the most widely read German-language news Websites) where he previously worked as a science journalist and ran the Web, Tech, Media desk. Christian Stöcker has published several books about digitization’s impact on society. His most recent book “Das Experiment sind wir” focuses on the ubiquity of exponential change in our accelerating world, including biosphere degradation and climate change. He is one of the few German journalists who had access to Edward Snowden’s archive of intelligence documents and co-authored several investigative stories about the NSA, GCHQ, and other intelligence services. At HAW Hamburg he runs several publicly and privately funded research projects on the digital public and (dis-)information. He has advised the German Bundestag, the local parliaments of the states of Thuringia and Schleswig-Holstein and the Bundestag’s enquete commission on artificial intelligence and society on questions of digital publics and the effects of technological developments on society and public discourse.
Photo: Dinny Stöcker