Message from the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey
Is crisis mode the new normal? First it was the coronavirus crisis, and now it’s the news from
Ukraine that is the dominant feature of our daily lives. Showing solidarity, organizing relief efforts
– right now, our eyes are focused on what needs to be done, day after day.
With Q Berlin, we want to expand our vision and start to look to the future: What impact will the
war in Ukraine have on the peaceful European order? What conclusions should we draw from this
historical turning point? How can we take a strategic approach to making our societies and our
democracies resilient and fit for the future? What role do metropolises play in dealing with the
kind of global crises we are currently experiencing?
Along with urgent questions like these, we are also facing the challenges that accompany today’s
transformation processes as we work for digital competence, social sustainability, and climate
neutrality in our cities. And these challenges are not going away. On the contrary – in some areas,
we even need to step up our efforts.
As they do that, metropolises worldwide are relying on cooperation between science, academia,
culture, the public sector, and business in the pursuit of creative and innovative solutions. An
open and collegial dialogue is a key prerequisite here.
Berlin is a hub between east and west and stands for the idea that freedom, democracy, and
tolerance, as well as a spirit of innovation and progress, can be fought for and won by one’s own efforts, over and over again. We will continue to advocate this message on all levels. I am also
banking on productive cooperation with other cities around the world.
I would therefore like to bring you, the decision-makers, city shapers, and thought leaders of
international metropolises, together in Berlin to discuss the most pressing issues of our time. In
some of our city’s most forward-looking locations, where today’s visionaries are imagining
tomorrow, we will collect our ideas and experiences. Let’s work together to develop promising
perspectives. I look forward to seeing you!
Franziska Giffey
Governing Mayor of Berlin
Photo: Lena Giovanazzi